Index 0 does not have a value currencymanager

26 Jun 2008 System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index -1 does not have a value. at. System. Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) at 24 Jul 2011 {"Index -1 does not have a value. I'm guessing that you have bound a List that is initially empty, This is because the underlying CurrencyManager will be reporting its It will stay this way because the List does not report changes to the -base/4494147/windows-form-application-exception#answer-0. For each data source on a Windows Form, there is a single CurrencyManager object. If you have two controls bound to the same datasource, and you do not want them to share the same position, Whenever the SelectedValue changes, the data-binding moves the new value into the Customer object. for(int i=0; i < ds.

Your way to filter is not good. You have to use extra textboxes. I am putting one textbox in the cell [column index 5], I checked with just deleting  As far as I understand, you don't have to populate BindingSource, you just have to populate the list it's bound to. That's the whole idea of binding. You bind your control to the data using bindingsource. And then. myBindingSource.DataSource = listItem; will do it. Index 0 does not have a value. The problem is that this is hard to duplicate, I've stepped through the code where SelectedValue is null and that doesn't cause any problems. The ComboBox is being databound. It appears that you are using the TreeList in data-bound mode. The exception is raised because the underlying collection doesn't contain an object at the specified index. Possibly, your datasource doesn't implement notifications, and was modified by another code. Possibly, this collection was modified from another thread. System.IndexOutOfRangeExceptions: Index 0 does not have a value at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.DataGridViewDataConnection.GetError(Int32 rowIndex) I think it's due to a thread problem .. since the datatable is only thread safe on read-only and not write. System.IndexOutOfRangeExce ption: Index 0 does not have a value. at System.Windows.Forms.Curre ncyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) at System.Windows.Forms.DataG ridView.Da taGridView DataConnec tion.GetEr ror(Int32 rowIndex) Why am I getting this error? DataGrid throws IndexOutOfRangeException from CurrencyManager when any cell clicked. Ask Question Asked 8 years, {"Index -1 does not have a value."} The Call Stack: (ref System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell = null, int columnIndex = 1, int rowIndex = 0, bool canCreateNewRow, bool validationFailureOccurred) + 0x218

Add: Its just a wrapper class, it doesn't have a specific member type ] /// = 0, "BindingSource.

The start index %1!d! is not valid for function "%2". The start index value must be an integer greater than 0. Start index is one-based, not >zero-based. 0xC004708E-1073450866: DTS_E_EXPREVALCHARMAPPINGFAILED: The function "%1" cannot perform the character mapping on string "%2". 0xC004708F-1073450865: DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDDATEPART A value-added tax is actually a sales tax that is: A. paid by the firm rather than the consumer. B. paid in stages along the process from raw materials to consumer and then credited after final sale. C. called value added to create a positive spin on taxation. D. voluntarily paid on exports. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 does not have a value. at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) (Int32 index) in the DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList.GetEditableObject() method? I'm not sure what the CurrencyManager does, but looking in MSDN it says that it is used for databinding of lists. System.IndexOutOfRangeExce ption: Index 0 does not have a value. at System.Windows.Forms.Curre ncyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) at System.Windows.Forms.DataG ridView.Da taGridView DataConnec tion.GetEr ror(Int32 rowIndex) Why am I getting this error? System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 does not have a value. at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem or not. So, check the dimention of both the arrays and debug the line where you assign value to arrays. Make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size. The maximum index on a list must be less than the list size. Make sure the index is not a negative number. This exception will be thrown if the index is less than zero. Windows Tech ‹ Windows Forms; Archive. SharePoint; Windows Vista; Visual C#; VFP; VC++; VS Express; Game; Windows Forms; SQL Server; Office; Dotnet; Smart Device

As far as I understand, you don't have to populate BindingSource, you just have to populate the list it's bound to. That's the whole idea of 

A value-added tax is actually a sales tax that is: A. paid by the firm rather than the consumer. B. paid in stages along the process from raw materials to consumer and then credited after final sale. C. called value added to create a positive spin on taxation. D. voluntarily paid on exports. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 does not have a value. at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index) (Int32 index) in the DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList.GetEditableObject() method? I'm not sure what the CurrencyManager does, but looking in MSDN it says that it is used for databinding of lists.

24 Jul 2011 {"Index -1 does not have a value. I'm guessing that you have bound a List that is initially empty, This is because the underlying CurrencyManager will be reporting its It will stay this way because the List does not report changes to the -base/4494147/windows-form-application-exception#answer-0.

So, check the dimention of both the arrays and debug the line where you assign value to arrays. Make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size. The maximum index on a list must be less than the list size. Make sure the index is not a negative number. This exception will be thrown if the index is less than zero. Windows Tech ‹ Windows Forms; Archive. SharePoint; Windows Vista; Visual C#; VFP; VC++; VS Express; Game; Windows Forms; SQL Server; Office; Dotnet; Smart Device IsBinding) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (SR.GetString(SR.ListManagerBadPosition)); } // if PushData fails in the OnCurrentChanged and there was a lastGoodKnownRow // then the position does not change, so we should not fire the OnPositionChanged // event; // this is why we have to cache the old position and compare that w/ the position

So, check the dimention of both the arrays and debug the line where you assign value to arrays. Make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size. The maximum index on a list must be less than the list size. Make sure the index is not a negative number. This exception will be thrown if the index is less than zero.

Dictionary related_currency_managers = new Dictionary (); get {. if (currency_manager.Count > 0). return currency_manager.Current; if dataMember doesn't refer to a valid property of dataSource, we need to reset it public virtual void Insert (int index, object value). Your way to filter is not good. You have to use extra textboxes. I am putting one textbox in the cell [column index 5], I checked with just deleting  As far as I understand, you don't have to populate BindingSource, you just have to populate the list it's bound to. That's the whole idea of binding. You bind your control to the data using bindingsource. And then. myBindingSource.DataSource = listItem; will do it.

24 Jul 2011 {"Index -1 does not have a value. I'm guessing that you have bound a List that is initially empty, This is because the underlying CurrencyManager will be reporting its It will stay this way because the List does not report changes to the -base/4494147/windows-form-application-exception#answer-0.